Z výroku bohužel není zcela jednoznačná část o „Bruselu“. Proto jej musíme ohodnotit jako neověřitelný, neboť není úlohou Demagog.cz dovozovat, které z možných významů, měl Vojtěch Filip na mysli. Dále jsou ve formulacích ze setkání mezi Filipem a velvyslancem odlišnosti, které nejsme schopni potvrdit.
Pro ověření výroku jsme kontaktovali arménského velvyslance Tigrana Seiraniana. Ten potvrzuje, že se ve čtvrtek s předsedou Filipem sešel a uvádí pozici Arménie k Evropské Unii i Rusku, přičemž vyjádření o vztahu k EU jsou odlišné, než Filipem uváděné.
Níže přetiskujeme e-mail Tigrana Seiraniana:
„Yes I had a working meeting with Mr Filip on Thursday in Prague […]. [I]t was interesting conversation on different topics in the Chamber of Deputies.
Among other issues discussed, there was a conversation on recent State Visit of the Armenian President to Prague and it’s results. I spoke on the important outcome of the visit, Armenia`s relations with the EU and Russian Federation, motivation of the decision of the Republic of Armenia to join the Customs Union (CU). There have been no official statements during my meeting with honourable Mr Filip, where I explained the following position of the Republic of Armenia:
The Armenia`s decision to join the Customs Union is motivated by geopolitical realities, which include economic and security components. It is more realistic that currently these particular components are more accessible at Russia`s led CUthan at the EU. On the other hand Armenia undertook a commitment to enhance closer cooperation with the EU through the Eastern Partnership programme and we are determined to continue this policy. Armenia is convinced that different integration processes may certainly be developed based on compatibility and cooperation rather than controversy, I mean the principal “and-and” is much more beneficial for all parties than principle “or-or”, on which sometimes we were listening from both sides. We are committed to make consistent efforts toward constructing more inclusive Europe, free from dividing lines. From the very beginning of decision to join CU Armenia declared that is ready to sign the Association Agreement with the EU without DCFTA component. This commitment was reaffirmed at the Vilnius summit last November. And in this respect we expected the support of friendly nations, especially the Czech comprehensive support. In this sense the Eastern Partnership might serve as a natural bridge fostering economic integration from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. Then I said that we are very thankful to the President of the Czech Republic who reaffirmed the principle “and-and” during the visit. I also informed Mr Filip that H.E. President Zeman extended an invitation to Mr Sargsyan, President of Armenian, to the Eastern Partnership Summit that will take place on April 24, 2014 in Prague. And the invitation was gladly accepted.
For your information please find below the answer of President Zeman to ČTK question made at the joint press-conference on January 30 at Hrad:
Question: Já jsem se chtěla zeptat, dobrý den, ČTK Petrová, obou prezidentů jak konkrétně by mohla Česká republika tedy pomoci Arménii, (aby se stala) byla v celní unii s Evropskou Unií a druhý dotaz, což se trošku omlouvám je domácí, co by to pane prezidente znamenalo, kdyby pan Babiš dneska na Slovensku soud o svojí spolupráci s STB prohrál, měnilo by to něco na vládě? Děkuji.
Answer: Děkuji, tak to jsou samozřejmě dvě otázky, předpokládám, že na pana Babiše samozřejmě odpoví arménský prezident...Smile, a já bych si vyhradil to druhé téma, to znamená otázku řekněme na postoj České republiky k tomu, že Arménie nepodepsala asociační dohodu ve Vilniusu, a že se tedy rozhodla pro celní partnerství, mimojiné, s Ruskou federací. Plně toto rozhodnutí respektujeme, což se prokázalo i při jednáních našich delegací. Domníváme se, že otázku nelze stavět tak, že se buď bude spolupracovat s Evropskou unií nebo s Ruskou federací a spolupracovat se má s oběma.
My conversation with Mr Filip was tête-à-tête and not recorded so the wording in my current presentation is approximate and it seemed to me that my esteemed collocutor was agree with me on this subject.
Should you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact me again.
Thank you for cooperation.
Yours sincerely,
Tigran Seiranian
Ambassador of the Republic of Armenia,
Prague“(zvýraznění Demagog.cz)